A specialist Funeral, Wedding and Event Florist in Sutton Coldfield


Wedding and Funeral flowers Specialist



What amazing flowers you made for our wedding they were perfect just what we wanted without us actually knowing. we were very unsure on what we wanted for the day and from a few pictures of things we liked you created our perfect flowers which had some of my favourite flowers in without you knowing really made our day. 

Thank you so much.

Hi Kelly. Wanted to show you how beautiful and fresh my flowers are 10 days after they were delivered. My partner sent them before Christmas! They smell beautiful too. 
I love them. Thankyou

Beautiful... our wedding flowers were absolutely beautiful! I can not thank you enough for taking the time to understand what we wanted and to make every element personal - the attention to detail was amazing! Highly recommend to anyone looking for a special occasion - perfect...x

It would of been my daughters 8th birthday tomorrow and I contacted Studio Blooms for an idea of what flower arrangement I could get. I’m over the moon with this beautiful butterfly. Thank you SO much, I will definitely be back xx

The flowers for my husbands funeral on Wednesday were absolutely stunning. Customer service was excellent and I will order from you again. There were lots of lovely comments made about our arrangements. My children and I were extremely pleased. Thank you

5 stars
